Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Passion of IAmDuaneB

Passion (from the Latin verb patī meaning to suffer) is a term applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something.

     This purpose of this Blog is Passion. Not passion in the sense of sexuality but a "Passion" for life! I'm talking about a passon that moves me, that makes me tic and stay on top of my grind. The passion of IAmDuaneB is "FAMILY." Yes I said it, my family is my passion and hopefully by the end of this Blog you will understand where this passion comes from.
     I came across this from an open interview blog created by @KareenParker aka UniK by Mlle Parker.

The next set of interview questions will help delve into the passion that burns within. 

1) Who is Duane? (Personality, hobbies, cultural background, tell us something UniK about you)?
Duane: Duane is a family that likes to have fun yet works hard to provide for him and his. A definite Philadelphia sports fan - "4 for 4", it's a Philly thing! I also have a strong passion in my African-American history as that was just one of my Majors in college, Temple University. The thing I feel as though is unique to me is that I'm a 41 y/o Black Male living with Type1 aka Juvenile Diabetes. I have seen the changes in technology and the way diabetes is being treated and talked about. It's no longer known as "Sugar" as it once was known!
2) What is your passion in life? Why?
Duane: I live for my daughter and my family. We have a very close bond and would go to the very end to do whatever we needed to protect and provide for each other. Growing up in my Mom-Mom house I learned the value of family morals. I stayed with her so I could go to school Mondays - Fridays and then would spend the weekend with my parents. From the beginning I learned family would do anything possible to make life better. This past May i seen my parents celebrate their 41st wedding anniversary. if thats not morivation, i dont know what is. They have shown me how to be a responsible parent as well as an productive adult. So as the tradition continues, I will do whatever it takes to create an even better life for my daughter?
3) How did you discover it?
Duane: As a single father, it hit me that it was just me and my daughter (with the help of my family) and it was time for me to "Man Up" and raise my daughter. As important as it is to have a mothers love which is now missing from her life, i found it to be just as important for a Fathers love and stability to be present in her life.
4) What do you like to talk about with your friends?
Duane: Our conversation can vary from talking about growing up, We've all known each other since kindergarten or 1st grade, to marketing and investing. Yes that's a wide variety of topics but all can be touched on any outing. The main topic is usually sports, football or basketball.
5) What would you regret not having tried? What is keeping you from doing it?
Duane: My biggest regret is not finishing college. I put in 3 yrs in a double major of African-American Studies and Sociology. The thing that's keeping me from going back is me. When I sit and think about it, I make excuses why I don't go back and get my degree. I'm too old at 41 to be changing my career.  My work hours won't allow me to properly study. Yes, I make excuse after excuse as to why I'm still running from college.
6) What makes you smile, makes you happy whenever you encounter it?
Duane: My pride and joy Dionne aka Dee is the person that brings joy to my heart. I know it's cliche but she is my Mini-Me. I'm afraid because she acts just like me in all ways, mannerisms and all. Fellas be on ya toes cause she's a tough one...
7) Odds & Ends: 
I'm currently an Tower/Operations Manager for a major airline here in my hometown of PHL Philadelphia, PA. My blog:, is just my thoughts of the world as seen from my point of view. I talk about issues I've read or discussed with others from Social Media outlets as Twitter and Facebook. You can follow: @Duane19015 on Twitter @Duane19015 on Instagram. Trust me, I follow back!!!
I would like to thank @KareenParker for the opportunity to write on this guest blog. Hope to blog with you again!

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